NaPro Technology
NaPro Technology (Natural Procreative Technology) is a women’s health science that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system.
NaPro Technology uses the charting of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System as the basis of evaluation and treatment. The FertilityCare System is a natural and standardised method of observing and charting important biomarkers of the female cycle.
Real Solutions to Real Problems
NaPro Technology addresses health problems including:
Menstrual cramps
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Ovarian cysts
Irregular or abnormal bleeding
Polycystic ovarian disease
Repetitive miscarriage
Postpartum depression
Prematurity prevention
Hormonal abnormalities
Chronic discharges
Other health problems
“Bloom Cycle Care teaches you to chart your cycle with the FertilityCare System in order to take advantage of NaPro Technology treatments.”
NaPro Technology is different from traditional health care in that it views fertility as a state of health. A NaPro Technology physician seeks to diagnose and understand the underlying problem and applies a treatment that restores reproductive health, rather than masking or suppressing symptoms.
NaPro Technology is an acceptable - and more effective - method for those who may not want to engage in artificial reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Frequently Asked Questions
How does NaPro Technology work?
The goal of NaPro Technology is to identify and treat the underlying cause of the problem through the use of both medical and surgical treatments. Medical treatments may include medications, natural (bio-identical) hormones, or vitamins, to normalize ovulation and reproductive function. Some issues require specialized surgery for restoration of reproductive function.
What is the role of Bloom Cycle Care?
Rachel of Bloom Cycle Care is a Fertility Care Practitioner (FCP). She will teach you the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, an all natural method of observing and charting a woman’s cycle. This allows you to track and chart your fertility cycles and collect valuable data. You will meet with Rachel regularly during your NaProTechnology treatment to help manage your cycle and progress in your fertility management.
What is the role of a NaPro Technology medical consultant?
NaPro medical consultants have completed special training and education in NaPro Technology. They can interpret the information in your FertilityCare charts, and use this information in the diagnosis, investigation, treatment and monitoring of your specific medical situation.
Can NaPro Technology help improve male fertility?
Unlike women who are at most times infertile, men are always fertile from the onset of puberty. It is possible, however, that men as well as women can experience fertility issues. The so-called “male factor” in a couple’s infertility journey can be improved with the help of NaPro Technology. Additionally, when a woman’s health and fertility are optimized a couple improves their chances of conception through fertility focused intercourse even when the man experiences lower levels of fertility.